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Thursday 26 February 2015

A Woman's Place Is In The Kitchen

It would appear that I'm turning into quite the feminist these days, and with good reason. Here's the context:
I'm a student at one of the greatest universities on earth. It's a bubbly melting pot of various ethnicities and nationalities which makes for stimulating discussions and opportunity for cross cultural integration. I suppose that it is with this in mind that the school instituted Culture Day. There, staff and students have the opportunity to sample cuisine from as far as Nigeria and close to home in Jamaica.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

How to make hard choices

Listen to these wise words that I wish I had heard a lot earlier on in

Until Next time!


Friday 3 January 2014

2014 Anno Domini

In all my years of knowing myself…

In all my years of social media junkie-isim…

NOT ONCE have I ever made and/ posted a grand sweeping New Years declaration.

Friday 4 October 2013

Hello October

As much as I hate the fact that I’m about to fall over the edge of the calendar and into the deep abyss that is thirty; October always gives me the warm and fuzzies. It’s kind of hard to be a Grinch when the universe in all its infinite wisdom has given me a license to celebrate my sheer awesomeness and bless the world with my diva-ocity for at least one more year.